Yarezmi Olvera

The First Breath

Collaborating to create the impossible and ultimately refining the standard

Yarezmi Olvera’s motto to life is ” be courageous, empower others, creating the impossible, and refining the standard.” This are principles that she has strives to base her life one. That is because she has learned that by not only lifting those in need but helping them become self-sustaining in a holistic way, they than can touch the lives of others. She focuses her efforts and passion in the area of wellness and poverty alleviation and corruption.  

The windy road she plans to take to achieve those goals is by learning communications at BYU-I with an emphasis in organization and advocacy. She will then work with companies that have a strong CSR emphasis to understand what principles to apply in her company, and work with organizations that help measure impact such as the Mulago foundation to understand how to scale impact. She will then enroll in graduate studies and receive her MBA. To then collaborate with organizations and her business to help fight poverty and corruption from different angles.

Yarezmi spends her free time with various activities such as learning about job creation, cross-fit, dancing, watching TED talks, reading books, pushing her physical limits in achieving her goals, going on spontaneous adventures and serving those around her.