2022 TEDxRexburg Team Guidelines & Application

Thank you for your interest to join our esteemed TEDxRexburg Team.

In essence, the role of our Team is to help TEDxRexburg grow and achieve our mission:

  • Identify and unearth amazing speakers to invite and follow up with.
  • Assist in attracting interesting start-ups to showcase.
  • Create a compelling theme/topic for the annual show.
  • Invite beloved colleagues to join our member list (free).
  • * Secure or commit in your initial year- a base level of sponsorship and/or equitable TEDxRexburg support to help sustain our event series.

If accepted to our team, you are listed on the website, get special badging and complimentary admission to all our LIVE events, AND invitations to private team gatherings. We primarily work via private emails/zoom calls (now) for direct feedback and voting on possible themes etc.

SEE OUR EXISTING LIST OF TEAM MEMBERS We seek open-minded, respectful, fun, connected, socially active individuals from a broad set of industries and talents. We desire folks comfortable with helping to curate a great attendee list for our events.  A sense of Humor is highly appreciated. We seek new members that complement existing team strengths. And we seek diversity.

Team Application

Please mark all the areas you'd like to help with:

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