Jenna Johnson

The Power of Choice

Jenna Johnson TEDxRexburg

Speaker Bio: Years ago, while running a rather long leg of relay race on a remote road in the Tetons in the predawn hours of the morning, and feeling particularly alone and scared, Jenna was inspired to “look up.” The stars filled every corner of the sky and were simply A.Maz.Ing. The calm that followed that moment has pushed Jenna to find her true passion in life, most of them born here in Rexburg’s own backyard: the Tetons! Though Jenna has built several successful businesses in the beauty industry in the Idaho/Utah region, she would rather talk to you about a new trail she ran yesterday, or a new mountain she is summiting tomorrow. An artist and adventurer to her core, Jenna is looking for peaks in her professional ambitions, personal relationships, and outdoor explorations. Raised in Rexburg, just a few blocks away from wherever you are now, Jenna will share with you how the mountains really are calling you. How you can “Look up,” Keep going, onward, upward, harder, faster, better, Funner and epic-er.


In her spare time, Jenna likes to buy and wear ugly shoes, travel to foreign lands, qualify for the Boston Marathon, cheer on her kids in sporting events, host dance parties in the kitchen, and is working hard to out ride her husband, Matt, on the mountain bike.