Dr. Dane Dickson

The Envelope to Cure Cancer

Dr. Dane Dickson, a native of Salt Lake City, Utah, graduated from the University of Utah in 1992 with a BA in chemistry and minor in Mandarin Chinese. He graduated with honors from the University of Utah School of Medicine in 1996. He went on to complete an internal medicine residency at Washington University in St. Louis in 1999 and then specialized at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City.

Dr. Dickson started a solo practice, Teton Oncology, in Rexburg, Idaho, in 2001. The practice served more than 8,000 square miles of Idaho and Wyoming. His practice was acquired by a local hospital in 2010. Dr. Dickson then spearheaded the development of the Teton Cancer Institute and served as its Medical Director until 2014.

He started the Summarius Corp., a medical informatics company specializing in clinical trial review and development of Office of Inspector General-compliant materials for education and training, in 2001. Summarius developed revolutionary methods of summarizing and presenting clinical trials and revised the complete training and educational materials for Fortune 100 pharmaceutical companies.

He has also served with the following organizations:

  • Noridian LLC – Oncology Subject Matter Expert
  • Molecular Diagnostic Program – Director of Clinical Science
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology – Clinical Practice Committee Member
  • Idaho Society of Clinical Oncology – President

In 2014, Dr. Dickson was among those who recognized substantial unmet needs holding back the advancement of personalized medicine, and he started the nonprofit Molecular Evidence Development Consortium (MED-C). MED-C soon will launch what is expected to be the world’s largest cancer registry containing standardized, high-quality, next-generation sequencing combined with clinical outcomes. This registry will greatly aid cancer research and the diagnosis and treament of cancer patients.

Dr. Dickson and his wife, Kamara, are parents of three sons. He enjoys backpacking, hiking (especially in the Wind River Range of Wyoming), running, biking and snow skiing. He is active in the community and in education, serving as an adviser to the President of Brigham Young University-Idaho and as an adjunct faculty member at Oregon Health & Science University. There, he is helping the school expand its personalized medicine research. Dickson is overseeing Precision Medicine Policy at the school, utilizing the knowledge that launched MED-C to teach future leaders in the medical field.