Carol Sevy
I Choose to Be a Happy Girl And You Can Too
Bald Headed Moments
My name is Carol Cannon Sevy. I have been working in the world of horses, gymnastics, dance, marketing and music since I was 8 years old, when I would sell pony rides in my neighborhood. This continued on into my adult life of training horses, teaching riding, teaching piano/ violin/fiddle and gymnastic lessons.
For the last 10 years I have been happily married to Jim Sevy and together we have 14 children. 10 boys, 4 girls and 20 grandchildren. We have lived in Sugar City ID for 9 years. We are happy to call this our home.
About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma cancer and was expected to only live for a week after the diagnosis. Against the odds I am now cancer free and am in the process of doing all the fun things life has to offer.
I have a blog ( and facebook page called, ”I Am a Happy Girl” that at times has generated over 60,000 views. I have my own marketing business that allows me to travel, work with my family, help others increase their income and grow personally. I have a goal to help 300 college students graduate debt free.
One of my life purposes is to help others learn to be comfortable in their own skin, embrace the old and new. To push myself, I have joined a local Upper Valley Toastmasters club, It has taken me out of my comfort zone and I am becoming a more confident leader and speaker.
I believe we all have our own obstacles in life. I call these,”Bald Headed Moments” this is the moment that you are vulnerable and you turn it around and better yourself because of obstacles in your life.
Because I am alive I want to push myself. So I started college at 54 years old. I am dyslexic so I have been hesitant to this challenge. I am loving my learning at BYUI through the Pathways Program. This program is set-up to help you succeed. I am and I will.
I do my best to keep my life fun #iamahappygirl #happinessisachoice #baldheadedmoments